Saturday, October 22, 2011

Political Climate of the 1950's

 Elia Kazan

HUAC was established in 1937 by a man named Martin Dies. Dies was a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan and therefore had their support behind him in these investigations. HUAC was established to investigate un-American and subversive activities. In 1947 HUAC began to investigate people of Hollywood. 41 people were interviewed by HUAC in September 1947 and during the interviews they gave names of people who were supposedly holding left-wing views. People who held left-wing views were said to believe in communism. Elia Kazan was one of the people who gave names. The reason he gave names of people with left wing views was that he was afraid that he would go to prison. If people did not give names they would be added to the blacklist. The blacklist was a list of people with left-wing views and if people were on the blacklist it made it virtually impossible for them to get a job in Hollywood. HUAC was on a "witch-hunt" in the 1950's of the Hollywood community.

Puritan Plain Style

The green leaves of summer
Have turned to red yellow and orange.
To everything there is a beginning and an end.
These leaves represent our lives
They are here one minute and gone the next
Therefore daily we need to do the right thing and love one another. 
This will give us a chance of being with God in Heaven for eternity. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

They All Played A Part

Squanto was a key person in the success of the Pilgrims who came from England on the Mayflower. Squanto did various things that kept the Pilgrims alive. First Squanto was an interpreter for the colony. Squanto had been in England before and while he was in England he learned the English language. Squanto helped the Pilgrims talk to Massasoit who was the chief of the Wampanoag. The Wampanoag was the tribe that lived around Plymouth. Second, Squanto helped the Pilgrims with food in the New World. Squanto taught them how to plant things such as maize. Squanto also taught the Pilgrims how to fish and hunt for food. In my opinion, if the Pilgrims did not have Squanto it would have been very hard for them to survive in the New World. Squanto was very valuable to the Pilgrims. He also played a key role in their success in the New World.